Thursday, April 29, 2010

Femininity a Sacrafice?

Bartky starts her argument by sayinf a woman has to make sacrifices to be a feminist. They have to change everything they are for the cause. They have to play the victim of sexism for their cause and I think this is wrong. I understand her argument about being a victim, after all if there were not some sort of injustice their would be no cause, but to "radically alter our consciousness"? I believe in equal treatment of women and if I ever find myself in a situation where I am discriminated against because I am a woman you can bet that I will fight the injustice. Forgive me woman kind but I will not however lose all sense if myself in that fight. I believe that every woman has a right to act how they want in regards to feminist behaviors. The book talks about women being alienated from their bodies to be objectified and I think this only happens when a woman allows it to. This fight for equal treatment starts with each and every women acting responsibly and deserving respect. If respect is not commanded through action by a majority of individuals the whole gender will suffer the unfairness. The book does not account for, at least in the reading I have done so far, every woman acting responsible in society to better the world view of what a woman is. Feminists may fight for the cause but until all women act for themselves I do not think the injustice will go away.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    Thoughtful comments. I think the "victim" language is unfortunate. I don't think she'd disagree that women do have responsibility to stand up for themselves. She would probably respond, though, that individual actions can only do so much and that the ultimate goal is to create a society where women don't have to put up with such treatment.

